Hello everyone, on this page we will report from our roadtrip with the tractor to Portugal.
The impossible completed.
2500km, an average of 180km per day. On our second last day, we pushed a whopping 220km with over 10 …
A week on the road.
Family, friends, and bulldog lovers we are chomping away at the kilometers.The Halfway Mark has been reached, we crawled up …
First 100km done and dusted.
Family and friends, I am delighted to say we completed day 1, alive and in one piece. After a few …
Inline Diesel pump and some TLC to determine new Departure.
The haywagon was parked in the barn so that we could start with the sleeping courters, and this is where …
One step closer to begin the Roadtrip journey.
Today, our bulldog tractor got its new license plate and is finally register, road worthy. Haywagon clamping, conversion to start …